Il Galateo del Bukkake

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Super Zeta
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Iscritto il: 27/03/2001, 2:00

Il Galateo del Bukkake

#1 Messaggio da Super Zeta »

Sono state chieste indicazioni sul galateo del Bukkake
Il mio contributo

1) Non sei da solo, ricordatelo
2) E' una fantasia della donna e tu sei un mezzo per soddisfarlo, prendine atto
3) Rispetta sempre le indicazioni e i desideri della donna: se vuole venute solo sul corpo non mirarle il viso
4)Se ti regala un pompino, salvo sua richiesta, non venirle in bocca e avvisala sempre quando stai per venire
5)Lo sperma negli occhi brucia
6)Se una ha voglia di essere ricoperta di sperma non necessariamente vuol anche essere ricoperta di insulti
Abbi la sensibilità  di capire se il turpiloquio è gradito
7)Il corpo della donna non è un pezzo di pasta per la pizza che aspetta solo di essere lavorato.
Usa le mani solo se sono attaccate al cervello
8)In situazioni affollate tutti hanno uguali diritti, non pretendere di campeggiare per mezz'ora dalla ragazza di turno
9) Se in quel momento non riesci a venire non ostinarti, mettiti un attimo da parte e quando sei pronto torna a proporti
10)Impara a gestire il tuo orgasmo: non venirti in mano prima ancora di esserti avvicinato
11)Un bukkake non è un'orgia, non cercare di metterla a 90° per scoparla
12)Abbi la riconoscenza dovuta a chi ti ha regalato un bell'orgasmo senza chiederti nulla in cambio: ad esempio un sorriso di ringraziamento e un complimento non banale nel momento giusto sono sempre apprezzati

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Vincent Vega
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#2 Messaggio da Vincent Vega »

13)A meno che non sia espressamente richiesto diversamente presentarsi in condizioni igieniche etiche (magari non la manicure fresca ma nemmeno le unghie sporche ...)

Sembra banale ma è sempre meglio abbondare

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#3 Messaggio da MATT HARDCORE »

Ultima modifica di MATT HARDCORE il 29/06/2005, 16:08, modificato 1 volta in totale.

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Super Zeta
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#4 Messaggio da Super Zeta »


per l'odore è sufficiente lavarsi, quanto ad aver bisogno di farlo sembrare più lungo...mi ricorda un coglionazzo che da queste parti si vantava di averlo 23 cm e poi ha pubblicato una foto dove si stritolava le palle per cercare di rendere credibili misure moooolto inferiori!

Non so quante donne preferiscano il pelo a zero, potremmo fare un sondaggio
Sicuramente un vantaggio è che non ti rimangono in bocca o ancor peggio in gola.

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#5 Messaggio da Tixiana76 »

Personalmente penso che quando vedo un "pelo" (sia uomo che donna) tagliato o quanto meno curato ho come la sensazione di una maggiore pulizia probabilmente anzi sicuramente è solamente una mia sensazione personale. Comunque a parte questo non siate avari con il sapone, usatelo!!!!!
Il mio sito:

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#6 Messaggio da M13 »

Mhmm diciamo che curo il mio aspetto, non mi depilo completamente ma un'accorciatina ogni tanto non guasta...per l'odore...basta lavarsi spesso.

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jolly roger
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#7 Messaggio da jolly roger »

L'omo ha da puzza'!

Vincent Vega
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#8 Messaggio da Vincent Vega »

jolly roger ha scritto:L'omo ha da puzza'!
ok, ma non di candeggina!

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#9 Messaggio da sexpatatina »

Tixiana76 ha scritto:Personalmente penso che quando vedo un "pelo" (sia uomo che donna) tagliato o quanto meno curato ho come la sensazione di una maggiore pulizia probabilmente anzi sicuramente è solamente una mia sensazione personale. Comunque a parte questo non siate avari con il sapone, usatelo!!!!!
Ma perche' parlare di peli io li detesto... scusate la mia presa di posizione assolutistica ma per me il maschio deve essere depilato ....
almeno la se tutto e' il Top ma la lo pretendo ......

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#10 Messaggio da Bonbaffo »


dal sito

Kim's suggested Bukkake Techniques, if you attend my next party!!!


As you know, I loooove cum. I want to hold your hard cocks as they throb and shoot hot cum on me, in me, all over me. Most of all, what turns me on is a man who can cum fast and cum a lot! I will need for you bring yourself close to orgasm several times in a row before arriving and finally releasing your ejaculate on my face. This will ensure maximum volume and more enjoyment for me. I like cum, I like lots of it and I like it fast. Here are some suggestions to make this enjoyable for both of us:

Bukkake Tips

Before a bukkake session properly prepare yourself. Diet, nutrition, exercise and cleanliness can all play a big part in the bukkake experience and it's wise to consider them all to maximize your performance...

Store Your Ejaculate

I love all the extra cum you can have for me. When I have a bukkake session coming up and you are planning on attending it's a good idea to store up as much ejaculate as possible for the event. Your body is capable of storing up excess ejaculate for a period of 2-3 days. After that, the excess just comes out when you urinate. Hold yourself off from ejaculating for the 2-3 day period and you'll find that you'll have quite a bit of extra juice when the moment of truth arrives.

Full Coverage

I like my face totally covered and dripping with cum. As part of a group bukkake session, it is the responsibility of the givers to completely coat my face. The first few guys have the luxury of shooting wherever they want, but as you work down the line, make sure that you aim towards the open, uncovered areas. For greater accuracy, I like to lie directly below you, so aim straight down with your shots. You'll find it easy to hit my face and breasts every time, I love to have sperm on my upper-lip as just the a man of it drives me wild.

Here are some of the ways we can all look forward to my next bukkake:

Smeared Bukkake

After each coating, I love to completely smear the sperm all over my face, hands, body, etc. Not only is this sensually rewarding, it also ensures maximum coverage on the skin for health benefits.

In my mouth (only if STD and HIV tested)

When you are ready to cum, grab my head and shoot onto my face, taking care to be far enough so I can see your cum shooting onto me (this drives into a toe-curling, breath-taking, earth-shattering orgasm!!) then use the head of your penis to scoop your cum into my mouth, grab my head and push your penis inside my mouth so I can suck the last drops of your orgasm, when you are finished, push your penis deep into my throat, making sure to push my head against it and taking care not to make me miss another shot of cum from one of the other participants (that would not be good for you) I hate to waste cum. I love the smell of sperm and this way some of gets back into my throat and I can taste you too!

Steamed Conditioner

Another good technique if you're in the middle of the pack in a group bukkake session is to make sure my hair gets the proper nutrients. We've all heard how good sperm is for the skin, it's got to be great for the hair. If the head is still uncreamed, go for the top of the scalp and work your way back towards the forehead. I love to work it in, like conditioner. I really love the hot, sticky feel of your joy juice in my hair, dripping onto my skin!

Soak my Eyebrows (only if I am wearing goggles)

An excellent technique that will also help you aim your ejaculate properly is to paint the eyebrows. You'll need to control your orgasm a bit to get at least two throbbing spurts. If you can get more, all the better. With the first shot, start at the outer edge of one eyebrow and work your way towards the other end. When you get to the bridge of the nose, take quick action and flip to the other eyebrow. With the second shot, competely paint this eyebrow. You should finish at the outer edge of the second eyebrow. If you've still got ejaculate left over, work your way back across the eyebrows in the same fashion. MIND MY EYES..IT HURTS TO GET CUM IN THEM

Instead of always going for the facial bomb, sometimes it's good to experiement a little with other holes in other areas of the head. To properly fill my earholes, grab me by the head, clear my hair (if applicable) away from one ear and send a steaming shot right down the ear canal. Pump your shaft until every last drop is crammed into that cornhole. This technique is particularly effective if you're in the middle of the pack in a group bukkake session. Almost eveyone else will drop a nice facial load, when you come in with the cornhole, I will remember you.

Single Shot Bukkake

Sometimes it can be difficult to get a group of men together for a proper bukkake session. Don't despair. I'm always up for a good soaking, especially if you are big, thick and can cum fast and more than once ... so sometimes I do take a very horny guy alone for a threesome with my husband. If so, I will need for you bring yourself close to orgasm several times in a row before arriving and finally releasing your ejaculate on my face. I like cum and I like it fast. The process comes from an ancient Tantric process that greatly increases the amount of ejaculate released. Aim the first blast high on the forehead, then try to cover the entire facial region with subsequent shots. Since it's just you giving me cum, you can rub the penis around my face a bit to get a complete covering.

Eat Right for Maximum Ejaculate

The more cum you have for me, the more I will remember you... and the harder my orgasm will be, so pay attention.

Nutrition plays a great role in determining both the content and volume of your ejaculate. Naturally, a balanced diet is essential for good sexual health, but the vitamins, minerals and supplements listed below can have a dramatic effect on the volume of ejaculate your body produces. Try these and let's make your Bukkake-on-my-face experience more spectacular for both of us:

The supplement L-Arginine is an amino acid the body uses for a variety of important chemical and cellular processes. . .it is also believed to help you produce more volume of ejaculate. 500mg daily and (this is important...) 1,000mg 30-40 minutes prior to sexual activity. Like all natural supplements, you must be patient and allow your body's "storehouse" to build-up. This period takes anywhere from 2-4 weeks depending upon the individuals baseline health and metabolic rate. The thicker and larger load you have the more I enjoy it.

Zinc - One of the nutrients most critical for prostate health. The prostate needs 10 times more zinc than any other organ in the body. It is vital for preventing prostate problems. Unfortunately, 90% of men consume diets deficient in Zinc because most of our food is processed. Irving Bush and Associates at Chicago's Cook County Hospital tested the effectiveness of Zinc supplementation on men with prostate problems. All patients reported symptomatic improvement while almost 80% had palpable shrinkage of the prostate gland. RDA is 15 mg...I recommend 45 mg per day... I want all the cum you can give me!

Lycopene - is a natural anti-oxident that is prevalent in tomatoes. Recent studies show it to have roughly twice the power of Beta-Carotene and 10 times the strength of Vitamin E, when it comes to protecting and healing our bodies from the damage of free radicals which are the cancer precursors. In fact, free radicals are now considered to be one of the main causes of disease and aging. In a process known as oxidation, they accelerate the breakdown of our cell's structure, thereby damaging the DNA and weakening our immune system. A four year study at Harvard University set out to see whether the five major antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables would have any beneficial effect on prostate cancer. Of the five, only Lycopene was found to have a direct link. They found that of the 50,000 healthy males studied, those who ate at least 10 servings of tomatoes or tomato based products per week were 33% less likely to develop prostate complications than those who never ate them. Researchers concluded that the active antioxidant in tomatoes, Lycopene, significantly reduced the risk of prostate difficulties and improved its function. I recommend you take 10-12 servings of tomatoes or tomato based foods per week for maximum semen volume of more delight for me.

Beta-Sitosterol - is another nutrient that may benefit men with prostate problems. One double blind study of 100 men showed that Beta-Sitosterol taken over a six-month period improved urine flow, reduced the size of the prostate and led to improvement in the erections and volume of ejaculate. Yummmm!

Niacin - is important for many cellular processes. Supplementation with extra niacin in your diet will promote increased blood flow to all parts of your body. . .including the scrotum and testicles.. that can only mean more cum for me!

Also, Cialis (Tadalafil), is known as Super Viagra because it acts quicker and lasts much longer.

The same type of research that created miracle drugs like Viagra and Cialis, has now created a revolutionary herbal pill, Vigarex, for treatment for erection and impotence problems with some additional benefits (following info is from MedChoice Laboratories' Vigarex Literature):

ROCK HARD ERECTIONS -- While your penis grows from additional blood being forced into it, men claim to experience the most powerful erections of their lifes. Very few aphrodisiacs and medicines including the Viagra and Cialis can match Vigarex's effects.

INCREASED SEMEN PRODUCTION -- Your penis isn't the only thing that will be affected.The potent blend of minerals and herbs in every Vigarex pill will begin to rejuvenate your body. The result? Every ejaculation will produce much larger volumes of semen your partner won't believe.

MORE INTENSE ORGASMS -- As the blood vessels, cells, and nerves in your sex organs are properly nourished you will gradually notice your orgasms becoming more and more intense. Add a bigger penis and after a few months your sex life will be more pleasurable than you thought possible.

TURBOCHARGED SEX LIFE -- The stress of modern life can take a serious toll on our sex drives. Unchecked, the end result can be impotence or a total lack of interest in sex. Don't let this happen to you. The energizing ingredients of Vigarex will keep your mind and body ready and willing.

ENLARGEMENT -- Vigarex has been proven to dramatically increase penis size starting in as few as 5 days after the first dosage and ending with the final size being reached within 3-4 months. You will grow in length and width and all gains will be of course be permanent.

Herbal medicines also have far fewer unpleasant side-effects than drugs such as Viagra or Cialis.

So, if you want to be up to the task and be ready to cum on me more than once, be prepared and get some Vigarex ahead of time. Here is where you can get it directly:

Hope to get a big load of cum from you!


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Veterano dell'impulso
Veterano dell'impulso
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Iscritto il: 18/11/2004, 18:55
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Re: Il Galateo del Bukkake

#11 Messaggio da facialmaster »

Super Zeta ha scritto:Sono state chieste indicazioni sul galateo del Bukkake
Il mio contributo

1) Non sei da solo, ricordatelo
2) E' una fantasia della donna e tu sei un mezzo per soddisfarlo, prendine atto
3) Rispetta sempre le indicazioni e i desideri della donna: se vuole venute solo sul corpo non mirarle il viso
4)Se ti regala un pompino, salvo sua richiesta, non venirle in bocca e avvisala sempre quando stai per venire
5)Lo sperma negli occhi brucia
6)Se una ha voglia di essere ricoperta di sperma non necessariamente vuol anche essere ricoperta di insulti
Abbi la sensibilità  di capire se il turpiloquio è gradito
7)Il corpo della donna non è un pezzo di pasta per la pizza che aspetta solo di essere lavorato.
Usa le mani solo se sono attaccate al cervello
8)In situazioni affollate tutti hanno uguali diritti, non pretendere di campeggiare per mezz'ora dalla ragazza di turno
9) Se in quel momento non riesci a venire non ostinarti, mettiti un attimo da parte e quando sei pronto torna a proporti
10)Impara a gestire il tuo orgasmo: non venirti in mano prima ancora di esserti avvicinato
11)Un bukkake non è un'orgia, non cercare di metterla a 90° per scoparla
12)Abbi la riconoscenza dovuta a chi ti ha regalato un bell'orgasmo senza chiederti nulla in cambio: ad esempio un sorriso di ringraziamento e un complimento non banale nel momento giusto sono sempre apprezzati

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5)Lo sperma negli occhi brucia???? :o :o :o :o :o

ma perchè vengono messe in giro queste leggende metropolitane??? :evil: :evil: :evil:


poi finisce che le donnine se ne convincono e addio facial... :cry: :cry:
" definitively my favourite sin" (J. Milton)

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#12 Messaggio da Vivya »

HAi mai provato?
Brucia eccome...cmq basta munirsi di collirio e passa in fretta..

E se io ti dicessi che un cazzo nel culo non fa male, anzi è + che gradevole, proveresti?

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Veterano dell'impulso
Veterano dell'impulso
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Iscritto il: 18/11/2004, 18:55
Località: Il cuore della "Marca gioiosa et amorosa"

#13 Messaggio da facialmaster »

lo sperma negli occhi NON BRUCIA!!!!!!


Per quanto riguarda la seconda frase caro/a Vivya ti dico che se dietro al tuo nick c'è una donna mi spiace e mi sorprende la volgarità  gratuita della tua affermazione.
" definitively my favourite sin" (J. Milton)

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#14 Messaggio da redbaron »

facialmaster ha scritto:lo sperma negli occhi NON BRUCIA!!!!!!


Per quanto riguarda la seconda frase caro/a Vivya ti dico che se dietro al tuo nick c'è una donna mi spiace e mi sorprende la volgarità  gratuita della tua affermazione.
qualsiasi corpo estraneo entri negli occhi brucia!!!
non vi è logica nelle tue affermazioni : le mucose delle varie parti del corpo sono completamente diverse le une dalle altre in termini di capacita a resistere ad aggressioni.

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Veterano dell'impulso
Veterano dell'impulso
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Iscritto il: 18/11/2004, 18:55
Località: Il cuore della "Marca gioiosa et amorosa"

#15 Messaggio da facialmaster »

scusa barone, il discorso delle mucose e dei liquidi organici è giusto, ho fatto un cattivo esempio.

peró non è vero che qualsiasi liquido irrita gli occhi: acqua e collirio ad esempio non irritano.
lo sperma è come l'acqua, NON irrita.

vi prego sfatiamo questa che è diventata ormai una leggenda metropolitana!
" definitively my favourite sin" (J. Milton)

La geografia di SZ:
skype: arme19


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