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Drogato_ di_porno
Storico dell'impulso
Storico dell'impulso
Messaggi: 72245
Iscritto il: 20/06/2002, 2:00


#1 Messaggio da Drogato_ di_porno »


Se ne è parlato qualche volta sul forum ma apro questo 3d specifico per avere un riferimento futuro. Stavo cercando foto di quella tettona micidiale di Erica Campbell e ho scoperto che si è ritirata per convertirsi alla fede. Dice che il suo corpo sarà "accessibile" solo a suo marito e invita i suoi fans a "liberarsi dal peccato". Aggiunge che quando si entra nel porno per arrotondare senza accorgersene l"abisso si allarga" ("The hole gets deeper"), la via per l'inferno diventa inarrestabile e si fa sempre più scura. Dio sarà il suo unico Salvatore:


Lo ha scritto lei stessa sul sito ufficiale:
"I have decided to leave the world of adult and porn behind me....and follow the lord. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and am devoting my life to HIS WILL. I have found the one thing that can, will and DOES fill that void...and that's GOD." -Erica Campbell

Former 27 year old playboy Model Erica Rose Campbell (born May 12, 1981, in Deerfield, New Hampshire) was an "America's sweetheart of Softcore Porn" and "Cyber girl of the week for 05 june 2006" announces that she has had a religious conversion, accepted Jesus Christ and has left the world of pornography behind (Out of porn from June, 2008).

Erica Campbell, for anyone who isn’t familiar, is a gorgeous Playboy Playmate (and Penthouse Pet and Danni’s Hot Box Model, etc.) who announced recently that she is done with porn for good.

Erica was clearly in a lot of pain: “For a long time I have been very lost. So lost in myself and in the world that I didn’t even REALIZE that I was lost. [...] For a long time I THOUGHT that I was doing the right thing…..and doing my personal best……well…I was wrong…dead wrong.” She chose to leave the business when she found religion: “I have decided to leave the world of adult and porn behind me….and follow the lord. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and am devoting my life to HIS WILL. I have found the one thing that can, will and DOES fill that void…and that’s GOD.”

She goes on to talk about other women in the industry: “SO many lost girls get into this business just for some extra money….to help pay for school….to help support themselves or even their children as single moms. [...] Almost ALL of the time It doesn’t end where you think it will…..the path goes on……the hole gets deeper….and the road gets darker. MOST of the time the girls don’t even realize it.”

It appears that Ms. Campbell very much regrets her choice to pose nude and has decided to stop. I completely respect that. It’s not a life everyone can live. On the other hand, I think that calling women who do choose that life “lost girls” is more than a little bit judgmental and condescending. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: women who choose to make money by taking off their clothes/having sex are not all the same and they aren’t necessarily damaged by it. Clearly, Erica Campbell was not happy with this career. That doesn’t give her the right to speak for everyone else.

If you’re interested in Erica’s body of work, you can check out her galleries on Freeones.

Update: Nina Hartley made a very interesting presentation to NOW in LA about working in porn and how it “can be empowering for some women, and utterly disastrous for many women; utterly disastrous.” You can read the transcript on AVN ... 52691.html

I love you guys!

The Only Way Out

This message is to ALL of my friends and fans. I wasn't sure how exactly to start this...but I trusted that God would help me write this and maybe through me I could speak His word and make His will be done.....

For a long time I have been very lost. So lost in myself and in the world that I didn't even REALIZE that I was lost. I have always thought of myself as a pretty good person. I love helping people, I love befriending people, I love animal rescue and rehab. I care a GREAT deal for my friends and family and ALWAYS do whatever I can to care for them and make sure that they are ok. For a long time I THOUGHT that I was doing the right thing.....and doing my personal best......well...I was wrong...dead wrong.

Being in the world of adult modeling I see A LOT of pain....A LOT of heart break. SO many lost girls get into this business just for some extra help pay for help support themselves or even their children as single moms. "It's just temporary". They are only going to do this for a while...just a few shoots.
I too started out to make some extra money to help me finish school. Almost ALL of the time It doesn't end where you think it will.....the path goes on......the hole gets deeper....and the road gets darker. MOST of the time the girls don't even realize it. One day you see this bright beautiful girl shooting tame nudes...the next they are signing on the dotted line of a hard-core porn company. Lost. Broken. Alone.

I being on the other side of these pictures you don't see the pain these girls are in. The struggle....the drugs that they take so they can get themselves through these sets. Sometimes it's just a pretend to be someone else..become someone you never thought you could be...and the hole gets deeper.

I never thought of myself as one of these girls. What I have been doing "wasn't porn". I connect to well and so close with so many of my fans. I didn't realize what I was doing or why.

The past few years have been very difficult for me. That is no secret to anyone that knows anything about me. I have been working my tail off to support myself, my farm, my rescues, my family, and the list goes on. No matter how hard I matter how many people or creatures I helped I STILL had that void inside of my heart and my soul. Connecting with person after person through my site as REAL FRIENDS. I understood the loneliness of the people that I would talk to...because I myself was so lonely. The more I shot...the deeper my darkness got.....the more I understood the pain of others. My friends and my fan. There is ONE common thread to so many of us online here.....the need to be loved, accepted, cared for, the need to have SOMEONE understand you and connect with you. At the end of so many of these emails was that loneliness. SO many men have asked me what they were doing wrong, how to find a special girl like me for THEM. How to fill that "void" in their their souls. For a long time I thought I was helping to fill that void in the lives of so many, and in a way I was. But it was all a lie. I could never fill that void for anyone...only be a sinful band aid for it. Only cause the loneliness to deepen....only cause my own soul to ache more.

I have been looking so long and so hard for someone to love me. Love ME for ME. Fill that hole in my soul. Complete me. All this time the only thing standing in my way was me. I have been blind and wrong. On so many levels for so long.

I have decided to leave the world of adult and porn behind me....and follow the lord. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and am devoting my life to HIS WILL. I have found the one thing that can, will and DOES fill that void...and that's GOD.

I have been trapped in sin and destruction for so long. Disappointment after disappointment...... painful venture after painful venture. I have been my own worst enemy. Holding the key all along that could set me free from the darkness that had slowly enveloped me.... that was eating away piece by piece my soul. Burning the light out of my eyes so slowly that I didn't even see it....didn't know it.....

It is will a new clarity and a new purpose that I will continue my life. I WANT TO HELP THESE GIRLS! These lost souls.....these girls that are ABUSING THEMSELVES. Selling themselves for NOTHING. I want to help them STOP THIS PAIN. I want to show them the light.....and the love of Jesus. ONLY HE CAN FILL THIS VOID IN THEIR LIFE! HE IS THE WAY....THE ONLY WAY.

I also want to help my friends......This void in your life and heart. You seek pornography to fill it.... it's only a bandage. Sin isn't's beautiful. It can't fill the voids in your life. ONLY GOD CAN FILL THEM!

I love my fans, and I love YOU. I want YOU to feel this peace. I want YOU to get out of the darkness that is all around you. You can not live with one foot in Christ and one in the world. Our time here is so short.... today could be your last day here. And what will you have lived for? Died for? There is only one way to heaven and eternal life....and that is through Jesus.

I will not and can not desert my friends and fans. The models.....the world. I can't and I won't. I am hoping that the Lord will work through me and guide me to do HIS will and help those that I can. Those that will stop and listen....those that will allow the Holy Spirit to fill them and speak to them as it has me.

I know that there are going to be a lot of people that will think this is a big joke.... laugh..... wonder if I have lost my mind.... well.... I have news for you.... FOOLS MOCK THE TRUTH. There is ONE WAY. And only one way. I have found that way. I have FILLED THE HOLE IN MY SOUL! Filled that void that I couldn't fill with anything else. My life isn't about ME anymore..... My life is about God and HIS will. I want to spread HIS love. Tell people about Him......lead people home to Him. I don't care what you have done..... how lost you think you are.... how hopeless you think things are...... I HAVE GREAT NEWS FOR YOU! It's NOT TOO LATE. God LOVES YOU! He wants YOU. All you have to do is accept His gift. IT'S RIGHT THERE FOR YOU! Jesus died on the cross for OUR SINS. The price for us has already been PAID IN FULL.

I will not be attending glamourcon or shooting anything else. The next and last person that will see and enjoy my body will be a husband AS GOD INTENDED! I have asked for forgiveness for what I have done AND HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN! I will spend the rest of my life doing the Lords will and the Lords work. I AM HIS!

I want you ALL to know that I love you very much..... you ARE MY FRIENDS! I want you to know God..... I want you to get out of this darkness... this saddness and follow the word of God. There is ONLY ONE WAY OUT!

I will not abandon you......

As always my email address to ALL of my friends and fans is: I understand that this is coming as a complete surprise to my loyal members who have joined my new site to support me and my new venture.

I totally understand if you would like a refund for your membership. Please email me at: for a complete refund.

My life is beginning NOW. From this day on I will live HIS will and HIS way. My heart is HIS.

Serving Christ,


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Drogato_ di_porno
Storico dell'impulso
Storico dell'impulso
Messaggi: 72245
Iscritto il: 20/06/2002, 2:00


#2 Messaggio da Drogato_ di_porno »

Un’altra è un mio vecchio amore degli albori di internet, Crissy Moran:


Crissy Moran anounced her retirement from the porn business inoder to evangelize against the evils of porn with the help of Christ… Crissy’s first step on the path of righteousness — was to demand that her websites be shut down and for all of the thousands of pages containing her nude photos to be removed from the Internet. Now, she’s actually preaching about the evils of porn and attempting to talk members of her website into canceling their memberships.

“I made great money and more than I ever have in the time I have been in the business. It’s not about the money people … it’s about God convicting my heart.”

Crissy Moran: "Once was lost but now am found, It's never too late to become what you might have been." ~Crissy (Out of porn since October 6, 2006) " Female, 32 years old.Los Angeles, California, United States

I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida and lived there most of my life. When I was in my early 20's I decided, spur of the moment, to move across the country to San Diego, CA. From there I moved to Las Vegas and then to where I reside today in Los Angeles.
I worked in the adult sex industry as a pornstar for 6 years. I left the adult business on October 6, 2006 when I made a public declaration to my fans. [Crissy’s first step on the path of righteousness] —From that point on I didn't take anymore money from the website which was my main income, I didn't shoot another nude photo, or do another movie. Unfortunately, my past will always be there. Part of being involved in such a business involves signing your rights away to companies and websites. They have a business to run and realize that sooner or later girls will want out so they have their bases covered from a business sense. That is the hardest thing for me at the moment because I have completely turned my life around but yet my past will forever haunt me. I do know however that what satan has meant for evil, God can use for good. As bad as it might be I know it has lead many to see my testimony. My goal now is to use my old broken life to reach out to others and help encourage other people who have struggles and let them know you can overcome them.

There are so many people who are hurting and in pain and don't see a way out. Even as I go through my own recovery, there are times when I can't see myself but I know with God by my side I can do all things for when I am weak, He is strong!
I am currently serving with Treasures, which is a non-profit that goes into strip clubs and brings gift bags with little goodies in it for the girls and a little card letting them know that they are LOVED. If it weren't for people reminding me that God loved me while I was in pornography I would still be involved so I see this mission as being an amazing opportunity to share HIS love with others who may have never even heard. A lot of these women's lives are much like my own - sexual abuse, physical abuse, broken families, and drugs. I know I would do or try anything to fill that empty spot in my heart.
I have been working one-on-one for the last 10 months with Harmony Dust, who is the founder of Treasures and my mentor. She has been a blessing to me. She and the rest of the volunteers are a solid team of women with a great love for God. They all have a passion to reach out to these women and love them.
Please take time to visit Treasures to learn how you can also get involved. Treasures is a non-profit and works solely from donations of all kinds from monetary to gifts for the gift bags. They also organize fund raisers throughout the year.
It is my personal desire for Treasures to grow to a point of having the resources to reach out to the porn industry, prostitutes, and abused women. -Crissy

The bad news is that, there is already so much of their content on the Net that guys won’t notice they're gone, their porn works will still be around even though they are no more in that business.

Crissy Moran was paid $15,000 a month and that Ms. Erica Campbell was making much more and neither of them were forced to do anything they didn’t want to. They were making more money than the vast majority of women in the porn world. I’m not sure about Erica’s future prospects but I remember reading on Crissy Moran’s that she had no job skills and no prospects and she was actually begging people to help support her. As you can see, Crissy Moran is a stunning beauty with an amazing body and she made a pile of money showing it to everyone. Where has the money gone???

Before anyone gets into the porn business, one should take time to think about the consequences.
Yes, people are going to recognize in public.
Yes, family may not approve.
Yes, one may meet a nice man that wants to marry and he may have a problem with the past life.
Yes, one will get old and have limited time to make money.
Yes, if one has kids, one day they will definitely find out the truth.
Yes, God knows all doings.

Well, now, the company that is responsible for making Erica Campbell famous, has over five years of unpublished content and with the thousands of photos and all of the hours of video on website, the real question

While we here at Fleshbot generally try to bring you as much pleasant news as we can, our strong sense of editorial responsibility means there are times when we're bound to tell you things that will probably bum you out as well—which is why we have no choice but to pass along the news that perennial babelog favorite Crissy Moran accepted Jesus Christ as her personal savior sometime last week and will presumably no longer be making friends on porn sets or lounging around poolside in full-body thongs. As she explains in her MySpace blog, "I just know I cannot do it anymore. I feel its time to turn away. Some people want to say it is because I am 30 years old but I was at the peak of my porn career. I made great money and more than I ever have in the time I have been in the business. It's not about the money people ... it's about God convicting my heart." We wish Crissy all the best no matter where the road takes her from now on, but we're hoping her newfound conviction doesn't preclude her from at least posing topless every once in a while. After all, we always thought that looking at her naked was sort of a religous experience.

Unfortunately for us horny guys (and lesbians), he told her to get out of the porn business. “I made great money and more than I ever have in the time I have been in the business. It’s not about the money people … it’s about God convicting my heart.”

God convicted her heart? I guess the trial didn’t go well, but I always thought that according to her religion, judgment day wasn’t until the end of time. Fuck, it’s not here already is it?
As you can see, Crissy Moran is a stunning beauty with an amazing body and she made a pile of money showing it to everyone. Then, a few weeks ago, she announced on her MySpace page that she had a new man in her life and well… the old bastard wants her all for himself. No offense Crissy, but when someone tells me that God talks to them, I say it’s time to cue up the Twilight Zone music, and may I suggest a tin foil hat? Everyone knows that tin foil is impervious to Martian thought waves, so I’m sure it would work to stop other forms of mind control.
Crissy’s first step on the path of righteousness — once she caught that old-time religion flu — was to demand that her websites be shut down and for all of the thousands of pages containing her nude photos to be removed from the Internet. Then she changed her MySpace page so that it no longer promotes her Crissy Moran website. Now, she’s actually preaching about the evils of porn and attempting to talk members of her website into canceling their memberships. I guess she should also ask MySpace to forgive her for using her page to promote an adult website since that’s against their TOS. D’oh!
Well, I say the hell with that and I’m sure I’ll be damned for eternity for suggesting this, but Medium Pimpin’, the company that is responsible for making Crissy Moran famous, has over three years of unpublished content and an equal number of years remaining on an iron-clad, 5-year contract, so here’s what I want you to do. Click here and join Crissy Moran’s porn site now. She’s one of the hottest babes you’ve ever seen and the added bonus is that while you’re jerking off to her lovely image on your computer screen it will be that much better knowing that she doesn’t want you to. With the thousands of photos and all of the hours of video on her website, who knows, they might even have some where she’s dressed like a nun.

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Iscritto il: 24/07/2004, 13:04
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#3 Messaggio da Robin »

Ma dopo quanti anni e dopo quanti milioni che si sono fatti stanno cambiando idea sul porno? fatemi capire.

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Messaggi: 1613
Iscritto il: 04/06/2007, 13:16


#4 Messaggio da SimonePeach »

Con piangere e con lutto,
spirito maladetto, ti rimani;
ch'i' ti conosco, ancor sie lordo tutto

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Drogato_ di_porno
Storico dell'impulso
Storico dell'impulso
Messaggi: 72245
Iscritto il: 20/06/2002, 2:00


#5 Messaggio da Drogato_ di_porno »

Un omaggio alla redenta Erica Campbell, donna di rara bellezza. avrei voluto essere io il suo unico maritino per assisterla e confortarla nella preghiera serale, prima di coricarci ed espletare il comandamento.













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Iscritto il: 13/07/2009, 19:04
Località: La più settentrionale delle province africane.


#6 Messaggio da Woden »

Aggiungo anche Brooke Balentyne

Voglio sperare che queste conversioni siano reali ma non riesco ad allontanare il sospetto che siano solo un tentativo per rifarsi la verginità.saluti
Crimen deorum erat Sylla felix

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Messaggi: 432
Iscritto il: 24/07/2004, 13:04
Località: italy


#7 Messaggio da Robin »

Bhè con il porno si fanno sempre una barca di soldi, si rifanno le tette, le labbra e chissà cosa altro...poi..oplà via le spalle al porno. E seguono a ruota Anita Blond, Selen, Eva Henger dopo che hanno avuto soldi, casa in centro roma o cittadinanza italiana..insomma bei vantaggi.

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Messaggi: 1613
Iscritto il: 04/06/2007, 13:16


#8 Messaggio da SimonePeach »

non con il porno, con le marchette

qui scrive omar galanti: chiediamo una conferma a lui!

dici che le pornostar guadagnano milioni (quindi immagino minimo 2)
hai citato eva henger che avrà fatto massimo 20 film
secondo te veniva pagata in media (2 milioni / 20 film) = 100.000 euro a film ??? :o
Con piangere e con lutto,
spirito maladetto, ti rimani;
ch'i' ti conosco, ancor sie lordo tutto

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Iscritto il: 08/03/2008, 14:32
Località: Sul mare di nebbia


#9 Messaggio da Antonchik »

questa non è una donna, è una divinità :O
Guarda attentamente, poichè ciò che stai per vedere non è più ciò che hai appena visto.

Ho vissuto per molto tempo nell'oscurità perché mi accontentavo di suonare quello che ci si aspettava da me, senza cercare di aggiungerci qualcosa di mio.

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Iscritto il: 10/06/2010, 14:08


#10 Messaggio da eterosessualo »

Drogato_ di_porno ha scritto: Dice che il suo corpo sarà "accessibile" solo a suo marito e invita i suoi fans a "liberarsi dal peccato".
Ma se magari prima lo rendeva accessibile anche a qualche attore hard per qualche bel filmato spagnoleggiante, non sarebbe stato male. Poi liberarsi dal peccato per i fans che significa, che non devono più masturbarsi con le sue foto, le devono buttare?

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Drogato_ di_porno
Storico dell'impulso
Storico dell'impulso
Messaggi: 72245
Iscritto il: 20/06/2002, 2:00


#11 Messaggio da Drogato_ di_porno »

Nella teologia cattolica è definita concupiscenza la brama di possesso e la debolezza intrinseca della natura umana che porta l'uomo a commettere il peccato, di qualunque natura esso sia. Essa non è considerato un peccato quanto un'inclinazione verso il male, ed è considerata uno dei segni del peccato originale. Nel protestantesimo essa costituisce addirittura il peccato originale stesso, per cui l'uomo è già "condannato" alla nascita.

Penitenziagite! La Bestia immonda è tra noi! La Fine sta per compiersi!




tiffany rayne
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Iscritto il: 29/02/2008, 22:25


#12 Messaggio da tiffany rayne »

Don Tonino salvaci tu.


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Iscritto il: 01/06/2003, 12:33
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#13 Messaggio da ronsard » ... ampaign=t1

erica alle prese con un bagno purificatore dal peccato
Se la mia professoressa di fisica fosse uscita con me a 17 anni e me l'avesse data, non sarei il pervertito che oggi sono diventato.

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Iscritto il: 01/06/2003, 12:33
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#14 Messaggio da ronsard » ... ubeTraffic

qui invece crissy moran alle prese un best of. notare la sua maggiore e frequente azione, ossia lo smorzacandela, pia e devota prolegomeno della sua vocazione ecclesiale
Se la mia professoressa di fisica fosse uscita con me a 17 anni e me l'avesse data, non sarei il pervertito che oggi sono diventato.

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Iscritto il: 04/02/2008, 11:27
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#15 Messaggio da Parakarro »

periodo di redenzione...

anche la Carfagna ha dato le dimissioni...


Torna a “Ifix Tcen Tcen”